Thursday, May 14, 2015

Wind Turbine Post

The concept that this project revolved around was Electromagnetic Induction. In the context of a wind turbine, the magnets interact with the current carrying wire, and change the magnetic field. This induces a voltage and causes a current which results in a torque in the water bottles. Energy is conserved in the generator. All generators start with mechanical energy, but later produce electrical energy. (friction) (newtons laws)

Materials and Methods
Most of the materials we used can be found at CVS or a grocery store, and we only used two from our teacher. We bought a foam board, low grade washers, and a plastic water bottle that had no curves. We were provided with magnets, wire, electrical tape, and a hot glue gun.

The most difficult obstacle we faced was the coiling of wire. We had no problem making sure that they were all in the same direction, but we wound them too tight and had issues getting them off of the cardboard. We also learned that no amount of tape is too much. We secured everything with electrical tape so that it would not fall apart, it worked well. Don't focus on having a pretty wind turbine because ours was pretty special looking and it worked. I would advise future physicists to build the generator first and make sure that works. Then, add the framework because that does not matter as much. Make sure that you have all of your materials handy because while it may take a day or two to build one part, other parts may be built quickly. I would have done this because we were a little crunched for time, and were unable to progress quickly because we didn't have everything together from the beginning.

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