Monday, September 1, 2014

Newton's 1st Law Resource

This was the first video I found when looking for resources, and it summed up Newton's First Law extremely well. Although it was meant for kids, it stated the law which says, "Objects at rest or in motion will stay in the same state unless disturbed by an outside force." This video explains how your body reacts to inertia in the most common way that most people experience: modes of transportation.

In this photograph, the bus is coming to a sudden stop with a load full of people. The bus is in motion but with the force from the brakes, it is rapidly slowing down. As you can see, the people are leaning forward just as the bus is moving forward trying to stop. This object is in motion, and unless otherwise affected by an outside force, it will keep moving in the same direction according to Newton's First Law.

In this video the car is moving because of an outside force, and your body naturally wants to follow the direction of the car because it is contained inside the car. The force would be whatever hits the car from behind or whatever object your car hits head on. Your body will go the same direction as the momentum of the vehicle, but with the help of seat belts and head rests, the damage would be lesser. Newton's First Law states that, "An object at rest or in motion will stay at rest or in motion unless acted on by an outside force." This is a good example because both the car and the person are in motion, and they naturally want to go the same direction as the car, but the safety restraints help the person stay inside the car.  

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